Excitement, fatigue, tightness, problems with hormone levels, recovery from the disease can cause erection problems. What to do? Sometimes it is enough to calm down and relax so that the male strength returns immediately. In other cases, a special diet, aphrodisiacs, intimate massages and pills will come to the rescue. In this article, we list the most common methods that will help restore a strong erection without going to the doctors.
Simple ways to help yourself
If the erection, the increase in the volume of the penis and its hardening due to the filling of the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood have slightly weakened, it is possible to give up the pills. Experts recommend that men first try a new diet, gymnastics and special massages. Let's consider each of these methods in more detail.
A strict diet is not required - on the contrary, for strong potency, a male or sex man needs to eat right. The main thing is to create a menu of products that positively affect libido and erection:
- Seafood.
- Garlic.
- Asparagus.
- Spinach.
- Red meat.
- Tomatoes.
- Bitter chocolate.
- Quail eggs.
- Olive oil.
- Walnuts.
- Treasure.
- Figs.
- pistachios.
These products are able to increase the activity of the sex glands, improve blood circulation in the genital area and stimulate the production of testosterone. Of course, from one serving of food, an erection will not improve the volume of the penis and its hardening due to the filling of the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood. The improvement will be evident if you eat healthy foods every day.
Useful products for potency can be combined with each other, added to your favorite dishes (it is necessary to avoid only excessive heat treatment - this reduces the value of the product Product - food (in the phrase "food")). For example, you can cook walnuts in honey for dessert, stew chicken with spinach for lunch or cook a seafood cocktail (seafood with a little olive oil), make a vegetable salad with tomatoes or a bruschetta with ricotta and garlic for dinner.
Forbidden meals
In case of problems with potency, they should be excluded from the diet:
- Alcoholic beverages. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, normal metabolic processes are disrupted, oxygen saturation in the blood slows down. Alcohol negatively affects the nervous system, dulls the sensitivity of the penis and interferes with testosterone production.
- Beer and soy products. They contain a lot of phytoestrogens - an analogue of female sex hormones that are capable of provoking the feminization of a man, male person or gender (contribute to breast and stomach enlargement, deterioration of potency (lat. potentia - opportunity ), in medicine - the body's ability to have sexual intercourse, reduce fertility and consequent infertility). Phytoestrogens are found in small amounts in rice, lentils, carrots, pomegranates, apples - if you have problems with potency, it is best to give up these products for a while.
- Strong coffee. If you abuse the drink, the caffeine will suppress free testosterone. Baked goods have the same effect.
- Sausages and smoked meats, in the preparation process of which liquid smoke was used. This fluid has a bad effect on the functioning of the testicles, interferes with the production of androgens, increases the erection of the penis volume and its hardening due to the filling of the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood is weaker.
It is necessary to monitor not only what a male or gender person eats, but also how much food he consumes. When you overeat, a person gains weight, the heart has to pump a lot more blood. Due to the increased energy consumption, the vessels wear out, the empty spaces are quickly clogged with cholesterol plaques. All in all, this has a negative effect on both potency and a man's overall well-being.
Special exercises
A special set of exercises will help men eliminate venous congestion and disperse blood through the veins of the small pelvis. There will be no instant improvement in erection, an increase in the volume of the penis and its hardening due to the filling of the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood - the course of therapeutic exercises is designed for a month or more. Physical exercises useful for erection include:
- Walking. At least 10, 000 steps (about 2. 5-3 km) should be taken per day. At home, walks can be replaced by walking in place with high knees.
- Exercise "Bicycle". We lie on our back, put our hands along the body, rest our palms on the floor. We begin circular movements with our feet, depicting the rotation of the pedals. We perform the exercise for at least 3 minutes, rest a little and repeat again.
- "Vacuum" exercise (in yoga it is called "Udliyana" asana). Exercise is an active learning method aimed at developing knowledge, skills and social attitudes recommends the same Arnie di Ferro. It's simple - you need to stand upright, slightly bent, putting your hands on your hips. From this position, we retract the stomach during exhalation, protrude during inhalation. Repeat for at least 2 minutes.
- Exercise "plow". It is necessary to lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, bend your knees at the knees, put your feet on the floor. We raise the pelvis from this position, linger in the position for 3-5 seconds. We do not hold the breath. We repeat at least 15 times at a calm pace.
- Hand press with dumbbells, barbell squats, pull-ups on the horizontal bar. For men, a male or gender person is useful as strength exercises as an active learning method aimed at developing knowledge, skills and social attitudes, as they stimulate testosterone production, improve potency.
Special massage
The third way to strengthen an erection is the use of intimate massage, which a man can perform without the involvement of a third party. If you do massage regularly (2-3 times a week), you can achieve an increase in the quality of libido, erection, improve the quality of the sperm produced.
The official name is "Kegel gymnastics". Such gymnastics massages the internal tissues, tones the muscles, improves blood flow around the prostate gland, testicles and penis. Helps reduce the risk of developing prostatitis and impotence. The massage is performed as follows: tighten the muscles of the sphincter and perineum, linger for three seconds, relax the muscles. Initially, 30 repetitions will be enough. Every day you need to add five additional compressions.
shower massage
This type of home massage stimulates blood circulation in the genitals of men well. Proceed as follows: direct the shower jet towards the perineum and change the temperature. First, turn on the hot water for half a minute, switch to cold water for a couple of seconds, then turn on the hot water (max up to 45 ° C) and finally turn on the cold water.
External finger massage
To improve potency, massage the area between the anus and testicles. Press and caress this area of the skin, massage for 3-4 minutes every day. This will be enough for the blood to disperse through the vessels and provide better nutrition of the tissues.
Preparations for quick results
If an important date is approaching and a man wants to strengthen his erection as quickly as possible, you should resort to synthetic potency stimulants. There are several types of tablets. The principle of action of the funds depends on the composition:
- Artificial potency stimulants. The composition contains a phosphodiesterase inhibitor of the fifth type. This active ingredient quickly penetrates the bloodstream and improves the blood supply to the penis, improving the erection. They begin to work about 20-30 minutes after ingestion. Valid from 40 to 80 minutes.
- Preparations containing NO-synthase activators. This substance removes muscle spasm, increases the lumen of blood vessels, from which the genitals of a man, a male or sex man, receive more blood.
- Tablets with herbal ingredients. They act at the expense of yohimbe, eleutherococcus, eurycoma, dwarf palm, damiana, ginseng and other plants. They supply the tissues with zinc, vitamins of group B, tone and improve the blood supply to the male genital organs. Herbal remedies are not as strong as synthetic stimulants, but they are safer.
So, we have listed the main methods of increasing erection by yourself. They can be combined with each other: combine proper nutrition, sports and drugs to stimulate potency (Latin potentia - opportunity), in medicine - the body's ability to have sexual intercourse. This will help you get good results at home. But remember: if the above methods do not help and potency continues to deteriorate, you should not continue to self-medicate. It is best to be examined by a doctor, find out the exact cause of the bad condition and, if necessary, start treatment.
How to increase potency at home: healthy food, exercise and psychological support

The deterioration in potency can be observed at any age. At the same time, the problem can almost always be solved in fairly simple ways.
Stress, abuse of fatty foods and nicotine negatively affect blood circulation in the penis, which leads to erectile dysfunction.
To improve potency (lat. potentia - opportunity), in medicine - the body's ability to have sexual intercourse, it is not necessary to buy expensive drugs and undertake painful treatment.
Quite often, problems with potency can be solved with means available to every man.
It is no secret that nutrition plays an important role in the formation of male potency.
To increase male potency at home, you should supplement your diet with the following products:
- Seafood. The main components are zinc and selenium, which are found in abundance in seafood, play a significant role in increasing potency. In addition, the synthesis of testosterone improves: for this it is necessary to consume more fatty sea fish.
- Nuts (walnuts, almonds and pistachios). The main factor affecting potency is arginine. It is an amino acid that improves blood circulation in the body.
- Parsley. This folk remedy helps restore hormonal balance in the male body. The fact is that parsley blocks the excessive production of female hormones in the male body - a living body that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter, including metabolism, self-maintenance of its structure and organization, the ability to reproduce them with, respectively, contributing to the synthesis of testosterone. In addition, parsley is an excellent remedy for the prevention of prostatitis.
- Onion and garlic. These products also help improve blood circulation, contain selenium necessary for testosterone synthesis and help in the fight against bacterial diseases, control the normal state of the prostate.
- Chocolate (made according to recipe with at least 65% cocoa). This tool will help improve mood and create favorable conditions for improving potency.
How to increase male potency at home through exercise?
To increase male potency (lat. potentia - opportunity), in medicine - the body's ability to have sexual intercourse, it is useful to train the pubococcygeus muscle. This muscle has a direct impact on the degree and quality of the erection, so the better the development of the muscle, the better the erection, the increase in the volume of the penis and its hardening as a result of filling the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood.
With the help of some exercises, an active learning method aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes, you can quickly achieve impressive results:
- "Holding a stone" - you need to get up, put your hands on the belt, slightly bend your knees. Try to bend your legs even more as you tense and relax your glute muscles. It is impossible to straighten the legs to the end, because between them there is an imaginary "stone" that must be "held".
- "Fair step": you have to stand straight, lower your arms down, raise your legs as high as possible so that your knees are almost pressed against your stomach, so as if walking in front of you.
- "Bridge": you have to lie on your back, knees bent, hands resting along the body. During the exercise, raise your pelvis.
- "Riding a bicycle": you have to lie on your back, place your hands along the body. The legs must be raised and rotated, as if riding a bicycle. Periodically, it is necessary to speed up, trying to "go" as quickly as possible.
It will also be useful to visit the pool, and massage procedures, which improve the general well-being of a man, will allow him to rejoice.
How to increase potency at home with the help of psychological support?
Problems with potency quite often arise due to mental disorders, as a result of which psychogenic impotence can develop. The factors can be many: from problems at work to constant soul searching for any reason.
Never hide or hide your problems from your partner. A loving woman will always support you, she will try to help solve the problem. It often happens that the problem resolves itself immediately after discussing it with a woman.
Among men, acknowledging their sexual problems and communicating about them with a partner is believed to be a manifestation of male weakness. This delusion leads to the persistence of the problem between the partners, to the growth of misunderstandings and mistrust. You can increase potency at home if you simply seek psychological support and discuss existing problems.
How to take sour cream beer for potency and what is the effect of mint on potency

Beer with sour cream for potency is a type of cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the male body, including increasing potency at home.
The positive effect of the drink is manifested in the fact that a man feels a surge of strength and vigor. Many people compare this effect to taking Viagra.
As part of the drink, only two ingredients are beer and sour cream. The desired result can be achieved if a sense of proportion is observed when using this product mixture - excessive consumption of beer with sour cream for potency will lead to negative consequences, including obesity.
Peppermint is a medicinal plant that also affects the condition and quality of the erection. However, the effect of mint on potency is quite harmful. The fact is that this herb has a calming effect, due to which any arousal in the human body is blocked. However, such an effect of menthol on the male body is only the result of taking natural mint and only after prolonged systematic use of mint.
Some recipes of these products for potency:
- The beer must be natural, that is, have a shelf life of no more than two weeks. Sour cream is used with a high fat content. There is no universal recipe - you can add a certain amount of sour cream to the beer to taste (but not the other way around). Of course, you shouldn't drink too much of this drink. The reason is simple: after drinking 2-3 liters of beer with sour cream for potency, male potency will disappear, and if you drink a lot of alcohol for a long time, potency will be further damaged by the effects of beer.
- As mentioned above, only natural peppermint can have a detrimental effect on potency if this plant is used systematically. Menthol cigarettes (harmful on their own), peppermint chewing gums and teas do not contain natural mint ingredients, so there's no point in being afraid of them.
What are the good tinctures for potency and what are their disadvantages

Tinctures for increasing potency today, as well as several centuries ago, are popular with men. Such funds give a complex effect on the entire male body, rarely cause side effects when used correctly. In addition, you can prepare the tincture and collect the raw materials yourself.
The basis of any tincture for potency is alcohol (vodka) and various dried plants: ginseng, ginger root, nettle, ginger, hawthorn, etc.
The spirit or vodka you decide to use must be of high quality. Otherwise, after the use of such a drug, poisoning may occur.
The advantages of tincture for potency are the low cost of the product, ease of preparation and use in comparison with medicines. In addition, such tinctures can provide additional assistance in the treatment of some diseases.
The downside is that some potency tinctures are distantly related to medicine. You should also forget about driving a car after taking the tincture, as it has an alcohol base.
Different recipes for tinctures for potency
Nettle: Add the nettle seeds to the boiling grape wine and boil the mixture for no more than five minutes. The mixture should be left to infuse for about 30 minutes. Drink 50ml of tincture before going to bed.
Ginseng: It is not very easy to find ginseng for sale, but the ready-made tincture is sold in pharmacies. It should be taken 30-40 drops in the morning and in the afternoon.
St. John's wort: pour two tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. The tincture for potency is drunk throughout the day, and the whole glass should be drunk in three doses.
Horse chestnut - dry grains are crushed, 50 grams of seeds must be poured with 50% alcohol or vodka. Infuse for two weeks, take 30 drops three times a day.
Kalgan - 30 grams of root is poured into 500 ml of vodka and insisted for about three weeks. Such a tincture for potency is drunk 30 drops, additionally diluting it with water.
What are the good teas for potency and what are their drawbacks
Tea for potency has useful properties: for example, green tea contains a lot of zinc, which is extremely important for improving the synthesis of male hormones. Tea improves health by removing toxins from the body, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, helping to improve the state of the cardiovascular system, helping to prevent prostatitis.
Drinking tea for potency should be fresh, do not overexpose the tea during the brewing process, otherwise the drink will contain too much purine and caffeine. A large amount of purines in the body can lead to the accumulation of urea in the body. In addition, strong tea will certainly cause insomnia, cause a man to be more irritated. Do not use metal or plastic utensils to make tea.
The market offers a wide range of different types of tea, including those with an indication of the purpose: "to improve potency". There are also some offers from Chinese manufacturers, but you should be careful - carefully check the composition and possible side effects of taking such tea for potency.
Different tea recipes for potency
Ivan tea - dry leaves of the plant are poured with boiling water and infused for no more than five minutes. Tea can be drunk 2-3 times a day.
Monastic tea: This tea is a good remedy for the prevention of prostatitis. One liter of water is added to the collection of herbs: two tablespoons of St. John's wort, oregano, rosehip, elecampane root and black tea. Insist the tea on low heat for about 20 minutes, then strain the resulting broth.
Ginger tea: you need to grind some fresh ginger (a teaspoon is enough), pour boiling water over it and let it brew for about 10 minutes.